"Brave As" by Janice MarriottUani and Xeneqe bring you their final podcast before they leave Pt Engand School and head off to Intermediate School in 2009.
This book is another one by one of our favourite authors at PES, Janice Marriott. It is about a boy called Matt who has a lot of fears. In this story Matt begins to confront and resolve each problem, and as he does this his life doesn’t seem so bad after all. Some of them the girls can identify with, like when he has to give a speech in class. And during the podcast the girls talk about some of the fears they have confronted. Be sure to leave them a comment and maybe share a fear that you have confronted too!
"Junkyard Dogs" by Margaret BaldersonMoses and Etta introduce this funny rhyming picture book in our latest podcast from KPE. It tells the story of four spoilt dogs called Billy, Bolly, Bella and Blue who live in a flash house. They have everything a dog could want, but they are bored. On the other side of town, two mutts called Molly and Moo live in a junkyard and spend their days having fun and being clowns. One day Molly and Moo cross town and visit their pampered friends. They decide to break them out and take them out for an excursion - to the rubbish dump. The six dogs have a wonderful time, but the four from the hill are in trouble when they get home dirty and smelly. Things change, however, when the pampered pooches' owner goes bankrupt and is forced to sell his big house and move across town. Guess who the new next door neighbour is?
"Grandpa's Cat" by Joy Watson
Isara and Wyatt are our newest two podcasters from Year 2. You will love this podcast. They talk about another wonderful book about Grandpa and his ever-patient wife. This time, the family cat is missing. Grandma insists that the cat will turn up but Grandpa is determined to find his precious moggy and searches house and garden before discovering the cat high up a tree. How ever will he get it down? You have probably read Grandpa's Shed and Grandpa's Slippers so these boys know you will enjoy this one too. Have a listen and tell them what you think of this book and their first podcast!
"Destination Disaster" by Fleur Beale Portia interviews Tamika about this book for episode 203 of KPE. Fleur Beale is an author who Pt England students really enjoy and Lacey and the Drama Queen was one of the favourite podcasts of 2008. Destination Disaster is popular with Year 6 students because it is about something that they really enjoy doing - going camping. You should listen to these girls review the book and then if you want to hear about it from boys' point of view check out the podcast Lorenz and Apelu did in 2007 and see what they have to say. Let us know what you think about the different versions of the story. And maybe you could tell us about YOUR camping experiences too...
"Seadog" by Dorothy ButlerTaiapa and Mokani have really enjoyed reading Seadog and recommend this tale of Old New Zealand to us. Dorothy Butler seems to like writing stories set in New Zealand over a 100 years ago and we learn lots about life for the early settlers from these books. Last year Kayla and Crystal entertained us with another one of her old tales, "By Jingo".
"Seadog" is set in the wild west coast of Waitakere in 1890. It tells the story of a 10 year old boy called Joseph who is disabled and what happens when a dog comes from the sea and befriends him. Joseph's family has settled by the sea at Karekare during the 1890s. One day, unable to scamper about the rocky outcrops with his brothers due to his disability, Joseph discovers a dog washed up on the beach, injured and exhausted but still alive. Josephs father reluctantly agrees that they may keep the dog until its wounds are healed but no longer. Joseph and his brothers set out to convince their father otherwise.Let us know what you think of this story and life over 100 years ago...
"The Boy Who Bounced Around Aotearoa New Zealand" by Christine Hurst
This is another special podcast made by two members of the same family. We love it when older family members help the younger ones with their reading and in this podcast you will hear Jordan, who is in Year 6, help his young brother Kingston produce his first podcast for KPE. Kingston has chosen a funny book to share with us (you probably guessed that already from the title) about a boy called Zac who does a lot of bouncing - including bouncing on the bed. And from what we hear in the podcast it is not only Zac who who does this! We wonder how many kids annoy their parents bouncing on the bed?In the book Zac bounces from one place to another in New Zealand, so if you want to learn more about New Zealand as well as enjoying a fun read you should read this book. Why don't you tell us if you have been to any of the places in the book..... We have also discovered that a class at Bucklands Beach Primary School got to meet the author of this book and wrote a blog post about it!