Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Magic Eyes: I Spy New Zealand History

We were very excited when Coral Atkinson sent us a copy of her wonderful new book called "Magic Eyes: I Spy New Zealand History". The amazing graphics in this book were created by Tina Cooper and we have been told that this book was a collaborative project between these two talented women. It sounds a bit like when two us us create a podcast!

This time, instead of recording a podcast, we have created a Google Earth Lit Trip to help you explore this book further.

We recommend you get hold of the book to read for yourself, but to wet your appetite, why don't you go on our Google Lit Trip and explore all the places and events Coral writes about and Tina illustrates in the book.

If you have never done a Lit Trip before, then here are the intsructions:
Click on this image to download the Google Earth tour of "I Spy".
  • Click on the Google Earth image
  • Your computer will begin to download a file called a .kmz (it might ask your permission to do so first) If you have a flash computer it might ask you right now if it can open Google Earth. If not, go on to the next step....
  • It will save the file somewhere eg on your desktop or in a downloads folder
  • Look for the file. This one is called "I Spy by Coral Atkinson.kmz"
  • When you find it, double click it and Google Earth should start up for you - it will probably look quite like the image you see here to begin with.
  • Now you can explore the book on Google Earth
  • Don't forget to tell us what you think!


  1. What an awesome idea! I love this!
    So many possibilities, thanks SO MUCH for sharing - my class will be looking at this next week!
    Keep up the great work guys

  2. We are looking at your google lit trip today as we have started planning our own as part of our Apprentice group work.
    I just wanted to say I LOVED the kidpix animation
    on Captain Cook - brilliant work guys thanks for sharing!

  3. I LOVE your project! Would you be interested in having it published on the official Google Lit Trips site?
