"The Secret of Kiribu Tapu Lagoon" by Tandi Jackson.This book is reviewed by Caprice and Simone. They explain to us about the meaning of 'Tapu' and about the setting of this book, beautiful Vanuatu. As well as describing an exciting adventure story the girls talk about some of the cultural ideas in this story. They are well qualified to do this as their movie about 'Preserving Culture' won them the best primary school movie award in the KWN film making competition in 2008.Have a listen to their podcast, check out their KWN movie, and let them know what you think.
And best wishes to Simone and Caprice as they leave Pt England School and head to other schools for Year 7 in 2009.
"Lucky for Some" by Fleur Beale
Tinei interviews Leilani in this podcast about the second book in a series by Fleur Beale. Leilani told us about the first book, Lacey and the Drama Queens, a few months ago and we have been waiting to hear what Lacey gets up to next. In this book she is forced to go and live in the country - which not only means leaving the city life she loves but also means a change of schools. And in this new environment she has all kinds of adventures. For any of you who enjoyed the stories of her dancing classes in the first book you won't be disappointed here because although she lives in the country now she still goes to dance classes. This series comes highly recommended by these podcasters. Tell us what you think.....
"Piano Rock" by Gavin BishopXeneqe interviews Simone as she tells us about the latest book by Gavin Bishop that she has read. We have podcast lots of Gavin Bishop's fiction stories in the past (eg Stay Awake Bear, Bidibidi, Kiwi Moon, Chicken Licken) but this book is non-fiction. It is the story of Gavin Bishop's childhood in Invercargill. As well as finding out interesting things about one of our favourite authors the girls also learned lots of fascinating things about life in New Zealand in the 1950's.Have a listen to their podcast and if you have any memories or ideas about the things they discover why don't you tell us about them in the comments below. Oh, and from Pt England School to all of you, we wish you a VERY happy new year in 2009.