Sunday 30 May 2010

KPE Episode 263: "Rugby for Rosie"

In this episode of KPE Toreka interviews Mubasshira about a VERY popular book at Pt England School - "Rugby for Rosie" by Frances Adlam.
 Mubasshira has added a great new twist to this podcast because she has made sure that there are no spoilers in the podcast script BUT, for those who really want to know what happens, she has published a post on her own blog which gives you more details.
So why don't you listen to this podcast and THEN click here and check out the rest on her blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Toreka And Mubasshira,
    I loved watching your podcast about Rugby for Rosie. I loved listing to your podcast. Thank you for sharing your post. I wonder if yous heard a book called Hansel and Gretel?

    From Sela
