Erene and Joshua have created a lively podcast to share the latest book they have been reading about a dog called "Drum" and it is written by Joy Cowley. Drum is a stray dog who turns up in a small town and becomes sort of a town pet. The book talks about some of the adventures the kids in the town have with Drum. And our podcasters recommend this story as a good read.
Ala and Reina from Room 15 have been reading "Tall Tale" and bring us this latest podcast. They tell us what happens when two kids are forced to be penpals by their teachers and make up a whole series of tall tales in order to make their letters to each other sound more exciting. It sounds like a fun read.
Leoden and Blessing bring us episode 237 of the KPE podcasts. In this they talk about the book Leoden has read, "Jellylegs", and tell us about the Pt England cross country event that they have been training for - along with the rest of the school. They get onto talking about the cross country because this story is about a girl who is training to run in her school marathon event.
We know you will enjoy viewing this podcast as much as you will enjoy reading the book. Elizabeth Pulford is on of the favourite authors reviewed on KPE and if you click here you will be able to see the other FIVE of her books we have podcast!
"Hark the Herald Angel" by William Taylor was read by Sela from Room 18 and her classmate Paulitia is her DJ for this latest episode of KPE.
Sela says she chose this book because it was another book in a series about a boy called Charlie Kenny and his entertaining nemesis, Alice Pepper. The subscribers to KPE may well have listened to the podcasts we published about "Knitwits" and "Numbskulls" in previous years.
This book was just as much fun to read and it is based around the school Christmas play. Alice gets to produce the play and Charlie has to be 'Hark', which is of course the name of the Herald Angel.
"Putting on a Concert and the Television News" was written by Roger Hall and illustrated by Rob Mancini. Angela and Selena from Room 15 have read this story and bring us a podcast to share their conversation about what they thought and learned. This picture book is a story about a group of kids who need something interesting to do in the school holidays and come up with some creative ways to entertain themselves and others. As you can guess from the title, their ideas included putting on a concert AND the television news. Both of these ideas were interesting to our podcasters because Pt England School is working towards the school production at the moment, A Toy Story, AND we have our own television news channel, The Pt England News Network (PE.N.N)