"Harry Hobnail and the PungaPeople" is written by Barry Crump.Cynell has read another story about the wild and crazy PungaPeople and SharonRose is her DJ for this episode of KPE. The PungaPeople do not like humans at all and humans can not see them, only their reflection. So if humans invade their territory they had better watch out because they will play all kinds of nasty tricks on them. Harry Hobnail is a nice man who likes to go tramping in the bush. Unfortunately he chooses a place where the PungaPeople live and they do everything they can to make him leave. He doesn't know who is doing this to him and blames the Kea. Until after one bad incident he notices a green face reflected in his billy lid.... The girls know you will enjoy this story, and Cynell recommends all the PungaPeople books.
"Glow Worm Night" by Don Long.
Moses and Kaleli share this book with us. It is a story about two children who are taken glow worming by their parents at Matariki. In order to reach the bank beside the river where the glow warms are the family must walk through the bush. They see lots of night time animals like moreporks, possums and crawlies.
Our podcasters are both in Room 17 and they recently saw Glow Worms when their class went on a trip to the Waitakeres. They are hoping they will see more on their class camp next term at Kawau Island.
The Mayor of Auckland City visits Room 15.You have already heard the podcast in the previous post, and now we have a video to show you - of the day the Mayor of Auckland City, Mr Dick Hubbard, came to Pt England School. His media people made this clip and said we could post it on our blog. It is also playing on the Mayor's own website - how cool is that!
KPE Episode 138 - Legs on Everest by Mark Inglis
This special episode of KPE is brought to us by Leauma and the Mayor of Auckland, Dick Hubbard. Yes, you read it right! Mr Hubbard is a KPE fan AND he has read a New Zealand book AND he wanted to learn how to make a podcast. So he did the best thing he could and made an appointment with the podcasters of KPE for a lesson. Mr Hubbard brought his wife along for the session too (because she used to be a teacher you know) and they listened to Lorenz, SharonRose and Sarah tell them how to do it. Then they watched Mele and Tiana give a demonstration. Finally Leauma sat the Mayor down at the microphone and interviewed him about the book he has been reading. "Legs on Everest" is a story with a very important message and we know you will enjoy hearing all about it on this podcast. And well done to Tinei and Simone who took the photos for this podcast. All round, it was a great team effort. Tell us what you think!